Wednesday, August 5, 2009

What would Happen if Everyone Cared.

In 1984 Bob Geldof..Music Journalist turned Punk Rock Frontman. He was inspired by a news report about "AFRICA's FAMINE EPIDEMIC", and begun his fight against world Hunger..His Concert organized the worlds first "Global Charity Concert"..LIVE AID which raised pounds 150 Million in one day to help FIGHT HUNGER :-).

In 1976, Betty Williams, a receptionist and mother of two witnessed three children killed during the political turmoil in Northern Ireland..Within 2 days of the tragic event..William obtained 6,000 Signatures petitioning for PEACE. She then led 35,000 people on a peace march to the children grave. She was Awarded the NOBLE PEACE PRIZE in 1976 :-).

In 1961, two students in Portugal raised their glasses in a toast to FREEDOM. They were imprisoned for seven years. British Lawyer Peter Ben was Shocked by the events and to rally for the students, he wrote a letter to his local paper. The response was so overwhelmed that a committee was formed to organize the campaign. It quickly grew up into a world wide movement know today as "AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL" :-).

In 1920s, a boy from a small south African village dreamt of a day when EQUALITY would prevail over his Country. After years of activism, he was charged with "Political Treason and sentenced to LIFE IN PRISON" But his dream for equality never died. In 1990 After 27 years in prison, Nelson Mandela was finally released. He then led S.Africa to its first ever "DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION.Nearly 19 million people voted. He won the election ending the "RACIST APARTHEID REGIME" that divided south Africa for 46 Years.

We are One

Friday, June 26, 2009

RIP MJ :-( You Rocked Our World :-)

Jacko...died Yesterday, just as he was preparing for what would be a series of 50 concerts starting July 13 at London’s famed 02 arena. Jackson had been spending hours and hours toiling with a team of dancers for a performance he and his fans hoped would restore his tarnished legacy to its proper place in pop. YOU WILL ALWAY BE A LEGEND AND A KING OF POP..

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

ISP's role in controliing Cyber Obscenity.

A week ago, we were given instructions by some intelligence officers from the communications regulator to block one of the obscene websites that was publishing adult content and wrong information to the public. As stake holders, we did not hesitate to do as instructed and withing an few minutes, some security policies were implemented blocking any access to the same site by all our customers.

Having worked for an ISP for nearly 3 years now, it never occurred to me that this institution was so significant to national security especially regarding matters of cyber crime and obscenity. I have realized that ISP's can really play an upper role in helping a nation curb such security related issues by merely implementing filters to on-line content that is inappropriate to the public.

Big ups to all the national and private ISP's that were involved in the blocking of such websites.


IPv6 Task Force | Dar es Samaal

Well, over the past few years i have been working as a Network and Systems engineer, it never occurred to me that one day i would think of giving back to the community. The past five years i would say have been all about working on developing my carrier as an outstanding Network/Systems engineer mainly involving my self with ISP related projects.

Now that i have started feeling comfortable down here in Dar es salaam, i thought of doing something valuable during a few hours of my free time, something that is not new, but something that would help me and those interested in joining me on this journey, move fast i guess and help our communities.

The other world tends to believe that things in Africa always come/happen last, but i don't believe the same. I believe that we can move on the same pace like the rest if we decide to work together and sensitize each other on matter that affect us in all aspects of life.

IPv6 adoption and IPv4 exhaustion are some one of those factors that are going to affect the way we work, leave, play and learn. As in an Engineer who spends most of his time working with customers at an ISP level, i have become concerned about the role ISP's in the region are going to play in helping with this IPv6 adoption and transformation process. According to sources over the interner, IPv4 address space with exhaust by 2010 in the ARIN and other regions except the AfriNIC regions where v4 space is still under utilized at this point.

Therefore to cut the story short, join me in impacting and sensitizing the community on matters regarding IPv6 here in Dar es salaam. I have been developing a website that i host locally on my server, to facilitate online sensitization. will be online soon.

I hope you will all join hands in this journey as we sensitize and promote awareness on matters related to IPv6 adoption.


Sunday, December 28, 2008

Killing the QoS Beast..

Ok i have been working on obtaining my CCIE SP # and along the road, i had to make some decision as i read and understand the technology. As you all know, CCIP is i would say, a good foundation for the SP Lab given the fact that it concentrates on Q0S, MPLS and BGP which i presume are the corestone for the SP Lab.

So of lately i have been reading lots of QoS stuff and now i have decided to give the 642-642 exam a shot. I am told its a tough one, but we will roll.

Lets see how it goes come January 2009.. :-) lol

Monday, October 13, 2008

Knowledge is like LOVE, the more u give the more u get.

I came across this from one of the blogs and though i would post so the visitors can read the same.

An Ancient Chinese scholar Confucius once said:

I hear and I forget.
I see and I remember.
I do and I understand.

And to that, my college professor added;

I teach others and I understand more.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Catalyst 3560 Cisco IOS QoS.

Well, sometimes i feel like the best way to understand a technology is to write about it. I was reading about QoS for Cisco based switched networks and i though maybe i could share my understanding of the technology with all visitors of this blog.

Qos which is an abbr to "Quality of Serice" according to Cisco; refers to the capability of a network to provide better service to selected network traffic over various technologies, including Frame Relay, Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM), Ethernet and 802.1 networks, SONET, and IP-routed networks that may use any or all of these underlying technologies. The primary goal of QoS is to provide priority including dedicated bandwidth, controlled jitter and latency (required by some real-time and interactive traffic), and improved loss characteristics. Also important is making sure that providing priority for one or more flows does not make other flows fail. QoS technologies provide the elemental building blocks that will be used for future business applications in campus, WAN, and service provider networks. This chapter outlines the features and benefits of the QoS provided by the Cisco IOS QoS.

Now that we all know what QoS is, lets see how it can be implemented on a Cisco 3560 Catalyst layer 3 switch.

Will start by classifying the type of traffic or application we need to implement QoS on.

Router#config terminal
Router(config)#class-map match-any junk-internet-traffic
Router(config-cmap)#match protocol kazza2
Router(config-cmap)#match protocol Gnutella
Router(config-cmap)#match protocol fasttrack

Router(config)#class-map match-any important
Router(config-cmap)#match protocol ipsec
Router(config-cmap)#match protocol smtp

After classifying we now need to Mark the above applications/traffic.

Router#config terminal

Router(config)#policy-map marking
Router(config-pmap)#class junk-internet-traffic
Router(config-pmap-c)#set precedence 0
Router(config-pmap)#class important
Router(config-pmap-c)#set precedence 5

After Marking the traffic we can now apply the policy to the interface.

Router#config terminal

Router(config)#int fa0/0
Router(config-if)#service-policy input marking

With the above, we have achieved to implement QoS with one Policy called Marking which contains a number of different classes of traffic i.e. important and junk-internet-traffic.